Weight Loss

Learn More About Weight Loss

Steps to a Healthy Lifestyle

About Our Weight Loss Management Program

Each individual client will have a weight loss program designed specifically to fit their lifestyle, time frame, and desire to lose weight, as well as help them maintain a new lifestyle. We work closely with our clients to hold them accountable and help them achieve their weight loss goals by following the proper steps to weight loss.

Clinically proven and 100% homeopathic. This slenderiiz program complies with standards set by:

GMP - Good Manufacturing Practices

OTC - Over the Counter

The Preparation Phase

The preparation phase is simple and lasts only two days. Begin taking the Slenderiix and Xceler8 drops as directed and eat normally, but without any “fast food.” During the first phase, it is important to rid your body of unwanted toxins.

The Fat Burning Phase

Day three marks the beginning of the Fat Burning Phase. Depending on the desired amount of weight loss, the period can last anywhere from one to six months. Continue taking Slenderiix and Xceler8 drops as directed and begin tracking the foods you eat. Consume 1250 calories each day and start drinking ten 8-ounce glasses of purified water. Purified water helps your body flush out the toxins released during your weight loss (consider using a Puritii Water Filter™. When you have reached your weight loss goal, it’s time to start Phase 03.

The Maintenance Phase

After reaching your weight loss goal, it is time to enter the Maintenance Phase by gradually adding limited glycemic products back into your diet, if you desire, though not preferred. It is important after you finish the weight loss program that you continue eating a balanced diet of fresh, clean food with regular exercise. The Maintenance Phase is a lifestyle that must be properly adhered to in order to prevent returning back to an unhealthy weight.

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